
CWP/CSP is a central hub that serves all the UK telecom industry (directly or via hubs) for:

1) Common Wholesale Platform (CWP) to wholesale: significantly accelerate gigabit adoption in the UK by making multiple Access Communications Provider (ACP) networks visible to contracted retail communication provider (RCP) resellers in one central location. The platform facilitates universal standard CWP reference products to scale RCP providers. These standards allow you to comply with BDUK Project Gigabit wholesale requirements.

2) Common Switching Platform (CSP) for retailers to comply with One Touch Switching (OTS): CWP serves as a Fully Managed MAP to the OTS hub which allows you to comply with Ofcom OTS obligations and simplify the integration process. As a Fully Managed MAP we carry out all the integrations with TOTSCo for you, so you don’t have to; and support you in integration to CWP.