
Cybereport is a News desk solution and distributor of press releases based in New York City.The new service was created in 2017 to allow companies to electronically publish and send press releases,
The CYBEREPORT News desk is both a landing page where your news release and multimedia assets live, as well as a fully embeddable media player that can be delivered across the internet.
Hit all the bases of user interaction, social media, strategic web placement, and organic CYBEREPORT with this powerhouse marketing tool.


• Your campaign assets are assembled into a branded environment – an interactive media player is embedded into a branded landing page.

• Readers can find your campaign via CYBEREPORT, where they can engage with the interactive player or share it on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo

• You can include a call-to-action button, such as ‘contact for more information’ or ‘sign up for a contest’