

Christian Youth Theater (CYT) is dedicated to developing character in children through training in the arts and by producing wholesome family entertainment, all of which reflect Judeo-Christian values. CYT offers year-round after-school classes, summer camps and full-scale musical productions for ages 5-18 in NYC and Northern NJ.

CYT students gain valuable theater arts skills, which translate to any environment (i.e. public speaking, teamwork, etc) as well as develop great friendships with like-minded young people.  CYT teachers are highly skilled and are committed to developing godly character in students as they work to develop their artistic skill set.

CYT offers three sessions during the school year (fall, winter and spring).  Children ages 5 -18 may select one theater class per session. A variety of classes are offered focusing on drama, voice, and dance, plus specialty classes which vary from session to session.  CYT offers small classes (less than 18 students) with adequate supervision both inside the classroom and outside the classroom. Each class lasts for two-hours and runs for 9 consecutive weeks. During the last class week, a high-energy Showcase is presented by each class for family and friends.

Enrolled students have the opportunity to audition and perform on stage or work behind the scenes in a Broadway-style musical performed for the community.

CYT Summer Camp includes class rotations in dance, voice and acting, awesome theater games, arts and crafts and a daily devotional. At the end of the week, students get to show off their hard work in a high-energy Showcase for family and friends!  

Christian Youth Theater New York City is a national affiliate of Christian Youth Theater (CYT), which began in 1981 in San Diego, CA.  CYT NYC began in the fall of 2012 and currently serves New York City and Northern New Jersey.  CYT stands in the forefront in its commitment to the highest ethical, moral, technical and artistic standards of excellence. Instructors are professionals, qualified in teaching and/or performing, who must understand our mission statement, values, objectives and goals. The staff of CYT strives to be excellent role models.  

Visit CYT NYC at www.cytnyc.org for more details and to register