
Dedalo Foundation for the Development of the Information Society is a non-profit Foundation located in Tudela, the second most populated city of Navarra region in Spain. The Foundation's board is composed by representatives from Tudela Municipality, Navarra Government (Departments of Information Society, Education and Local Administration) a local business association and a local development agency.

Dedalo's mission is to promote and develop the Information Society in Navarra region. To achieve this objective, the Foundation manages a telecentre network, a digital open hub open to the population, and promotes raise awareness and training on digital skills and competences aimed at entrepreneurs, companies and industries and the society at large, including youth, disadvantaged groups, elderly people, disabled people, unemployed population, women,....

Dedalo Foundation has broad experience in adult education having provided more than 2.200 training activities, 23.000 teaching hours and a total of 36.000 participants in the last 10 years.  They can contribute to the exchange of good practices with their experience and good practices about methods and innovative learning techniques, ICT enhanced initiatives used on the awareness raising and training activities to different target groups: entrepreneurs, companies, groups at risk of being digitally excluded such as unemployed, elderly people,...