
Deerbrook Editions is a literary small press publishing noteworthy and emerging authors in well-designed trade books. The press presents authors to you in quality paper back books. The design is clean and unique to each book. The press works with authors on book contents and covers, often using original art or photography from author or artist collections. You can purchase books on this site via PayPal using the payment method of your choice. Many of our titles are discounted and shipping is included in the price. You can view sample pages of several of the latest books here. Our mission is to provide literature that is relevant and stimulating, to advocate and support authors by giving them a wider audience, and to connect authors and artists with their community by offering readers a new experience through literature. Our first book came out in 2002. We plow earnings back into books.
 Our garden is one of books. We plant seeds of intellect and harvest nourishment for culture. If you value art and culture then you are in a likely place to find something fruitful for the eye and mind. Our three graces might be but are not limited to reading, writing, and teaching. Design is also important to us. True design is concerned with the sense of vision or seeing, and through expression by design, conveying concepts and information in a balanced way. So when it comes to books, regard for letterforms, other forms, and space or the intervals of space between forms, all relate to our vision, often in imperceptible ways, yet there is memory and learning involved.