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Welcome to De Leisure Holidays; the place dedicated to the enthusiastic travelers who are willing to explore new tourist spots and destinations in and out of India. The emphasis is on exploring new spots and visiting exciting places/resorts/village – houses in India which offer something different. You can avail our facilities for booking more than 300 hotels/resorts in India and around 200 hotels/resorts abroad. We have a plethora of destinations to chose and various resort options to stay at and many destinations to explore.
We offer various other services like Airline ticketing (Domestic & International sectors), Visa & Passport Assistance, and Foreign Exchange.
For more info visit our website at www.deleisureholidays.com
You can also write us at
enquiry@deleisureholidays.com; or
Feel free to call at 011-47071222, or
24 hour help desk at +919540096400.