
Denny Diamond and The Jewels are an accomplished family trio who have delighted audiences across the nation. The show is a celebration of some of America's legendary performers Johnny Cash, Buddy Holly, Glen Campbell and Neil Diamond to name a few. Then adding in some original music, to create a recipe for a performance to compliment any Group Outing, Lunch or Dinner Show, Theater Show, Benefit, Festival, Corporate Event or Private Event. In the same tradition as "Ozzie and Harriet", Denny Diamond & The Jewels, (Denny, Lucas and Spenser), deliver clean fun music while mixing in the family wit and humor like that of the "Smothers Brothers". And Neil Diamond fans have been delighted by the similarity of Denny's baritone voice to that of their idol.

The 3 piece is actually a 4 piece as Spenser plays bass and drums simultaneously. Seeing and hearing is believing.

The show is filled with music you fell in love with performed by a family trio you'll fall in love with. Guests of the show have said, “you walk away feeling like you just left their home and you can’t wait for the next visit”. From soup to nuts, Denny Diamond & The Jewels will leave you with a song in your heart, a smile on your face and a spring in your step.