
We are an independent Travel Design company guided and inspired by one big vision: no two travel needs are the same. Our focus is to raise awareness about personalised travel and help independent travellers have more valuable and less common trips. Each of our itineraries is carefully crafted after doing targeted research and studying routes, time of travel and mode of travel, so clients get the most from their trips to our magnificent country.

The conventional business models in the travel industry were not a good fit for what we believe. Since the inception of Design Your Italy, transparency, trust, honesty, and openness have been at the heart of our travel business model. In fact, our business model is affiliation and commission-free, so we are not sales-oriented, neither we have hidden costs. We do charge a predetermined fee agreed upon upfront after which our full range of services is available. We are a wise travel investment in the essential stage of planning a trip as our clients can be sure we are entirely dedicated to their special interests.