
Hello everyone,

First of all, I hope this is the correct section for this thread, if not I'd humbly ask a moderator to move it where it belongs :D

I'm proud to announce that DigitalPUSH is now available as Beta version 1.0.4. Enjoy the 100% free web push notification service for webmasters and website owners.

- Easy implementation ( in-page copy / pasting only, no extra advanced programming needed )
- Unlimited properties ( websites / web applications etc... )
- Unlimited subscribers
- Instant delivery for your web pushes
- Templating
- Scheduling
- Real time reporting
- API access
- Multi-browser support
- Availability for non-https websites
- 5 custom parameters for each subscriber ( i personally love thisone :) )
and many others...

As side-features, we also offer monetization ( limited to a maximum of 4 push ads per day per subscriber ) and advertising.

There are a lot more features you can discover for yourself on our website: https://digitalpush.org
Have a look, looking is also free :)

These being said, I'd love to hear and answer your questions, so if you have any... don't be shy :) We're also open to suggestions when it comes to new features, therefor if we're smart enough to add the features that might be requested we'll gladly do it.