
The Digital Reserve is a Public Benefit Corporation. A public benefit corporation is a special corporate structure that strives to maximize its profit, while also meeting a public good. As such, The Digital Reserve, P.B.C. is a technology development company with a focus on financially inclusive decentralized systems.

The Digital Reserve, P.B.C. is designing a series of solutions to start meeting the $2 trillion dollars of unmet financing need in the world and disrupt the $100 Billion dollar a year microfinance industry. The very first project is the creation of a new and unique financial institution that is driven by distributed ledger technology and financed through cryptocurrency.

As a Public Benefit Corporation, the Digital Reserve will serve a dual purpose. One of those purposes is the creation of profit for its investors and participants. The other purpose is to provide top rated service to disadvantaged and disenfranchised communities with little to no access to traditional financial services.

The current economic paradigm restricts consumers to geographically determinative economies. Blockchain related technology and by extension, cryptocurrencies, enable the creation of voluntary economic systems, or elective economies, governed by a set of rules and protocols that are not limited by geographic location. Elective economies provide the opportunity to build inclusive financial networks and economic models from the ground up.

The goal of the Digital Reserve, P.B.C. is to launch the Digital Reserve Network (“DRN”) as a platform for novel financial products, financial literacy and lending. DRN is a decentralized economic network designed to create a sustainable model for financial inclusion while producing economic gains for network stakeholders. The network will leverage blockchain related technology and econometric algorithms to form an elective network economy that provides users access to capital and control over their credit reputation.

The base implementation is designed to help meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through microlending to communities through an autonomous underwriting process. The DRN will leverage compliance with nascent regulation for crowdsales of network tokens with the support and leadership of Kramer Levin, a top tier law firm in New York. The diligence of the Company to legitimize the work will facilitate access to new capital for executing on the vision of the DRN as a decentralized institution.

The Management Team includes the founder Jomari Peterson, a PhD Candidate from CMU, MBA from Howard University and exited co-founder of the Quantum Resistant Ledger project which has a Coinmarketcap over $80 Million. The team also includes Joshua Rittenberg an Associate of Kramer Levin a top tier law firm and founder of Aqualibrium. Joshua brings a deep network and strong legal perspective on cryptocurrency related regulations.

The Core Development includes the following:

Emmanuel Johnson a Ph.D. student at University of Southern California in the C.S. department under the advisement of Dr. Jonathan Gratch. His research centers around building autonomous negotiation agents. He hold a Masters in Robotics from the University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England through a Fulbright Fellowship, and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Engineering from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University.

Amina Obe, a breakout engineer in her organization at Northrop Grumman and recently received a Black Engineer of The Year Award for Modern Technology Leaders. She is currently pursuing a M.S. in Systems Engineering from Johns Hopkins University. She is working on a fascinating Research and Development project that is shaping the future of Autonomous systems for her company and is excited to use her experience with the Digital Reserve.

Troy Wiipongwii  a B.A. in Applied Mathematics and Master in Public Policy with a focus on innovation and economic development from William and Mary. Founder of several startups, most notably DebtLESS Community, a fintech company that operated in Maryland. Areas of interest and experience include: computational economics, economic development, dynamic pricing, machine learning, and plant genetic engineering.