About |
Avionyx provides full life cycle embedded software engineering services for commercial avionics systems requiring stringent development and testing standards, especially in DO-178B. Avionyx can outsource your entire project to our facility or provide on-site consultants to work alongside your team. Avionyx has the experience to manage all phases of the software life cycle including requirements capture and analysis, software design and implementation, and software verification and validation.
Serving the avionics industry since 1989, Avionyx specializes in training, certification and full lifecycle engineering consulting support for the development and verification of safety-critical airborne software and complex electronic devices, following DO-178B and DO-254 standards (Levels A-D).
In addition to providing training services to the avionics industry, both in DO-178B and DO-254, through RTCA (for DO-254), Avionyx provides engineering support to many avionics manufacturers of HUMS, flight control, Nav/Com, surveillance, NAV & PFD cockpit display systems developed for the GA, VLJ, BJ and Air Transport sectors.
By offering a blended domestic/near-shore engineering approach, including a staff of US-based senior engineering project managers and trainers, coupled with full lifecycle engineering support through its facility in Costa Rica, Avionyx offers its customers the highest level of quality at an overall project cost that competes with anyone on the globe, without having to go around the globe to do it.