
Drillking was created 2 years ago, in august 2015 and has already shared a fair amount of breaking news worlwide. the website is currently moving forward to become the establish news outlet it deserves to be and we highly recommand that you submit or join the journey.

We share any hip hop related content and will be more than happy to let you join our team since we have a number of opportunities around the globe.

The creative direction decided during 2016/17 to talk less about drill music and start to open up to the latest trend in the industry.

Just so you can see what we are about here is a link to our report on the old man that was featured in plies video which rank DK as the number one link in google ( https://www.drillking.org/who-is-the-old-white-man-in-plies-video-real-hitta/ ) and generated some real income for our media outlet. But we also write a lot on upcoming artists from the soundcloud wave such as trippie red, which we were kind of first reporting about ( https://www.drillking.org/who-is-trippie-redd/ )

we also love urban trends such as supreme or even marché noir ( m+rc noir) ( https://www.drillking.org/mrc-noir-inside-marche-noir-pop-up-store/ )