
The global pandemic has become a once in a century catalyst, disrupting the status quo and accelerating the adoption of digital transformation. Transformation is no longer an optional question of "when" but "how" in the minds of every business executive. There are two options for businesses : Contract and cease to exist or Thrive and expand in The New Normal. In The New Normal businesses are not just looking at one but multiple technology vendors to be exploited at the same time for greater business benefits. Cloud, AI and Data has just become like air, water and land..basic necessities for businesses to survive and thrive. Adoption of cutting edge 5G and iot networks are enabling distributed cloud to generate a data tsunami which businesses would like to exploit while maintaining security and privacy. At the same time finding the right human resource with all the expertise is becoming harder than ever. Drootoo's distributed cloud technology and platforms are well poised to help your business become agile, reinvent and grow in this new digital, remote and data led business world.