
Hey there, I'm Ivaylo Durmonski. The guy behind durmonski.com. A website about premium book summaries that will help you read big books faster.

Why the site was created? Read below:

I’m kind of amazed and slightly worried about how people spend their time these days: social media, Netflix, video games, fast food, fast loans, shopping sprees… It’s like the end of the world is coming and no one cares about what’s going to happen next (nor tomorrow). Being in debt, out of shape, directionless is normal these days, unfortunately. We’re outnumbered, surrounded, bombarded by information and seductive gizmos that look really cool are constantly promoted to us, claiming they’ll save our life.

On the one hand, there has never been a better time to be a reader, a watcher, a listener, a consumer in general, and even an entrepreneur. An exhilarating avalanche of new stuff is created every day. Waiting to be consumed by us. On the other, unless you have a few brains, a few pairs of eyes, you make a shit load of money, plus you somehow cracked the code of productivity, you’re not benefiting much from all that info circling around.

As the online world continues to expand, five very dangerous things happen:

You can no longer keep up with what’s happening. There is basically new information published every second, pilling on top of the gazillion of other things you didn’ saw.
Our attention span decreases. We’re less patient and more disorganized.
We’re now mentally lazy and weak. Addicted to screens couch potatoes in the endless pursuit of more things and more likes.
We’re always busy and there is simply not enough time to take full advantage of the wisdom in the books published every year.
Since starting a site and publishing books is relatively easy these days, an avalanche of self-proclaimed online gurus are flooding the online world with trash.
Considering the above, my goal here is simple: To distill the important info from all the crap. To keep you well informed. To highlighting the main ideas from best-selling books and talks, and make them easy to understand. Lastly, to inspire people to read more and do more, rather than consume and waste their time on social media.

So, if you’re fed up with the traditional BS blogs that pretend to have all the answers and you’re ready to try something new, join my online rebellion. I’d love to have you on board.

What’s inside:
Here’s what you’ll find on my site:

Articles: I write long-form articles where I explore various topics. Stuff like habits, productivity, minimalism, goal setting and more. I write primarily about myself and I do my best to present a fresh point of view, different from what’s already shared.
Book summaries: My main focus here. I strongly believe that more people should read books. But since we’re really busy, I track down the best books on the market and I distill the main ideas, helping readers get the most out of books in less time.