
Just think 9 out of 10 searches have taken action as a result of a mobile phone search.
Mobile is Hot!!!!
Action taken after accessing local content.
1. Called Business 61
2. Visited Business 58
3. Looked up Business on a map/got directions 58
4. Made-In store purchases 54
5. Made online purchases 36
6. Recommended to someone else 22
7. Read or wrote a review about the Business 20
8. Marked or added business to favorites list 19

For every shopping activity including researching products and prices, reviews, promotions, and purchasing producers, most respondents (61%-81%) preferred browsers to apps.  1 in 3 mobile searches have local intent.  Based on our research, 91% of local Business sites are not mobile friendly; 61-81% preferred browsers to apps.  Nearly all local info seekers take action within a day (88% Total).  

Avoids Flash- All apple powered mobile devices do not, and will never support flash.  
Mobile Friendly sites are easy to navigate.
Your menu items are confined to very limited space.
Meaning you gets fewer of them and they must be big enough to not "Fat Finger."

What is mobile Friendly Website?

Mobile Marketing is a set of practices that enables organizations to communicate and engage with their audience in an interactive and relevant manner through any mobile device or network.

Minimum scrolling not just vertically but also horizontally.  In fact Google pushes advertisers to optimize sites for mobile.  Your site can be converted to mobile.  Find out how much you will have to pay.

The Local PPC Method: It's because it requires specialized knowledge and skills to build a website that displays perfectly on a mobile device.  What this means is that in the coming weeks when Google looks at how to decide which ads to feature it will consider how well a site is tailored for mobile devices, thongs like whether it works well for touch, is made for smaller screens, has shorter load times and avoid Flash.  To be sure, advertisers who adhere to these guidelines won't be guaranteed better visibility.  But connecting to mobile optimizes landing pages that perform better in Ad Words will now be a factor in determining ad-placement.  This will only affect advertisers who advertise on mobile and won't affect ads served on PC browsers.

SMS: Short Message Service-Text Messaging

Mobile Search & Mobile Websites

QR Codes: Quick Response Code is a kind of matrix barcode first-Small Businesses-Mobile Marketing permission-based, targeted, and easy to-use promotion offers to millions.

Communicating: Emailing, Texting, Sending Pictures, Social Networking, Blogging social markets like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, U-Tube and emailing to name.  

Benefits of QR Codes in our Business:

Consumer Receives "One-Click" Instant Gratification - 'No Need' to write down your details.
Builds Customer Excitement and makes your Business unique.

Can easily integrate with SMS Text Message marketing and Mobile Websites

If you would like more information about How Mobile Marketing Can Help Your Local Business, contact me Denyse Peoples at 888.DA.Marketing Ext. 386.
