
Countless people struggle with weight loss and wonder what they’re doing wrong. They try FAD diets
they read about on the Internet that promise rapid weight loss. But they never deliver.
My name is Craig Woods and I’m a personal weight loss and fitness trainer. In my years working in
Hollywood with many of the A-list celebrities you see on TV every week, I’ve seen all these FAD diets.
They don’t work and I tell my clients honestly why they don’t work.
The bottom line is this. If you’re going to lose weight and stay fit, you have to think long term lifestyle
changes. You can’t eat a banana or a bowl of cabbage soup for three days and think you’ve succeeded
in your weight loss goal. You haven’t. You’ve only developed a nasty habit of Yo-Yo dieting.
I know that’s probably not what you wanted to hear. Most people want instant gratification when
they make that all important decision to get fit and lose weight. And while I will show you that you
can actually jump start your metabolism so you can lose weight faster, it’s not instantaneous and it
doesn’t come without hard work and dedication.
I’ve literally worked with millions of people in person and on the Internet and helped them reach their
goal of losing weight and getting fit because I’m honest about what it takes to reach that milestone. I
bring all that I taught them to you in this eBook Elite Weight Loss.