
How Smart Assessor e-portfolio Works

Many assessors are under pressure to deliver more in less time and are struggling to cope with large case loads and reduced completion times which is leaving them feeling frustrated and uninspired.

It’s important to remember that assessors have chosen their profession because they genuinely care for their learners with more than 70% of them having to work at home to catch up on their caseload.

Smart Assessor have created a new e-portfolio with integrated web assessment rooms that can reduce the cost of QCF delivery by 25% whilst giving assessors more time with their learners.

Unlike other e-portfolio’s such as Learning Assistant, One File, Skill Wise, Maytas et al Smart Assessor allows assessors to interact with learners dynamically in real time without leaving their desks, they can record observations, professional discussions and share their screen to review evidence then drop the evidence directly into the learners e-portfolio with them.

Not only will this reduce travel costs and time but it will impress the awarding body’s EV because the learner has been more involved in their learning.

Costs are very reasonable too. We charge from £10 a learner less than the cost of a paper based portfolio paper and ink with all the benefits of being online!

Smart Assessor QCF e-portfolio features include:

■Integrated virtual rooms allow remote assessing of candidates.  
■Unique and secure log in for all users
■Easy to use web evidence library
■Holistic assessment methods allows assessment across multiple units
■Full audit trail
■Instant tracking and visibility on progression
■Email reminders and alerts
■Plus Much more