
Easy Online Classifieds is a unique online business submit and search engine. Business listings are created by the business owner and indexed by Google in 3-14 days normally on page 1 in the serp's (search engine results pages). Business listings are mobile friendly which makes the listing easy to find for that extra 25% of consumer market share for the owner.

The sites core is centered around an easy to use web site creation system which is designed to create mobility friendly pages for the business owner which are also SEO optimized to get those pages listed in Google. Business owners web pages are therefore easy to find in regular as well as Mobile Google searches, as well as at the sites built in Search engine.

National statistics on mobility as of 12/01/2012 indicate less than 1 in 1,000,000 businesses on the web today are mobile friendly and can not be displayed at all on the viewers cell phone. The easy classifieds services business listings are 100% valid coded for mobility, the pages designed to load quickly on modern cell phones, and are full featured including full rich html elements, photos, business reviews, and even You tube video.

Social network links to Facebook, and Twitter are also available to the business owner to include in their business listing making the service full featured for today's modern users and demands. For the business owner adding their mobile ready, Google friendly site is as simple as filling in the blanks, and typing in their business description.

Easy online classifieds is owned by and a community service of Fecn News which has been in the design and online marketing industry since April of 1996. Both Fecn News and easy classifieds owner and staff are very skilled in SEO optimizations, programming, online marketing, and web interfaces for ease of use by the end user (viewers). In the real world, it either works, or it does not work. At easy classifieds it just plain works!