
We provide services to help you publish! Be it a simple book formatting according to Smashwords Style Guidelines on smashwords.com to an interactive iBook experience on the iPad using iBooks Author, we try hard to make it happen!

Irene Tan is the founder of this business. Irene started as a writer, desktop publisher. Over the course of nine years, she has worked in different segments of the publishing industry as a freelancer. She worked as an editor for a local church newsletter, moving on to copy editing non-fiction books and graphic designing book covers. She worked for New Chapter Press (http://www.newchaptermedia.com/shop/) as a back-of-the-book indexer for an example, "The Bud Collins History of Tennis: An Authoritative Encyclopedia and Record Book." Until 2012, she was working for others.

In 2013, she changed her category to publisher and  published two novels under the pen name of J. Lionel Hearts in the science fiction category.

Easyire Services is listed with the National Library of Malaysia as an independent publisher. Publisher's identity is ISBN 978-967-11844.

Easyire Services will help new writers to publish. You are welcome to contact Irene at this email address: admin@irenetan.net16.net