About |
Edible Spirits is a mother-daughter company baking gourmet cakes with exotic rums and liqueurs. For years Judy baked cakes for friends and family during the holidays and for special occasions. The demand grew so large, that she decided to start a business employing her daughter Erica in 2009. Edible Spirits was born and began with only one flavor, but now have 5 delicious cakes to choose from: Exotic Walnut Rum, Florida Key Lime Rum, Orange Liqueur, Amaretto Almond, and Chocolate Cherry Brandy. Based in South Florida, Edible Spirits takes pride in baking each cake after the order has been placed.
In 2010, Edible Spirits teamed up with TroopCarePack.com and began shipping their cakes to troops stationed overseas with a new line of cakes called 'Freedom Cakes.' Each 'Freedom Cake' ships with red, white, and blue ribbons and can include a customer submitted photo and message for free. Any soldier with an AFO/APO address can be shipped to, and if you don't have an address but would like to show your support, you may send a cake to a 'forgotten troop,' who has no family or has yet to receive any packages while stationed abroad.
Our cakes come in a variety of sizes and are affordably priced. They can be frozen for up to 9 months and thaw out to taste as fresh as the day they were baked!
Great with morning coffee, as a 2:30 pick-me-up, and of course for desert. They also make great gifts and are always welcome at any party or get together.
We look forward to baking for you.
Edible Spirits
Each bite as heavenly as the first....