
Helping students and families calmly navigate the often overwhelming and stressful path to higher education is our area of expertise. Through this process, our mission is to empower families, increase students’ self-esteem, and provide honest, knowledgeable advice to help families make the best higher educational decisions.

Did you know...
The average middle school counselor to student ratio in California is 665:1
The average high school counselor to student ratio in California is 490:1
Not to mention...
29% of all students transfer to other universities prior to earning a bachelor’s degree.
37% of students drop out of college never earning a bachelor’s degree
At least 25% of college freshmen at four- year colleges do not return for their sophomore year
At least 50% of college freshmen at two-year colleges do not return for their sophomore year
There are more than 3900 bachelor’s degree-granting universities in the United States
90% of colleges in the United States accept over 80% of those who apply
The average cost of a public university is approximately $45,000 for four years
The average cost of a private university is approximately $110,000 for four years
EDvantage College Consulting specializes in understanding trends in college admissions and will take the time to comprehensively explore your situation in depth.