
Elite Asian Matchmaker is a private, exclusive and boutique matchmaking firm located in the heart of San Francisco Bay Area. We serve our clients in San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles area, New York/New Jersey, Washington DC area and many other major cities across US and in Asia.

We specialize in matching exceptional, extraordinary, dynamic, and cultured Asian women with eligible single gentlemen who are global-minded and particularly passionate about Asian culture.

At EAM, our mission is to help high-achieving clients find lasting and deeply intimate connections that bring peace, great satisfaction, and fulfillment in their personal relationship.

Most people think matchmakers just provide high quality candidates to match your search criteria. While that IS part of our responsibilities in helping you meet relationship-minded singles at your level, we offer a more personalized approach that helps you break through your old dating patterns that are preventing you from finding the kind of relationship you always desire. We will guide and coach you along your journey to successfully move forward from dating into a committed relationship.