
OUR MISSION | To increase the value and accessibility of building material waste streams through facilitation, collaboration, education, and advocacy.
OUR VISION | To be a driver in developing an economically vibrant building material re-use culture in the Southeastern U.S. that supports social equity and environmental stewardship within the next 5 years.
Emergent Structures is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to reducing the land-filling of building materials through innovative re-purposing projects. We facilitate collaborations between architects, developers, engineers, contractors, property owners and municipal governments in order to replace short-sighted demolition practices with sustainable deconstruction and re-use strategies.
We develop innovative material re-use initiatives at the local level that foster community development and highlight the social, economic and environmental (triple bottom line) value of material re-use through hands-on learning activities. Emergent Structures works toward transforming the public’s perception of waste. We believe there are ways to empower local populations by facilitating the distribution of these formerly unwanted materials throughout the community, including schools, other non-profits; municipal buildings and parks, and local and indigenous craft incubators.