
Our revenue comes from sales of “The 6 Dimensions” book, Consulting and workshop fees. We partner with leaders in behavioural change management and implementation. Organizations like Pro-Change Behavioral Systems, The Tracom Group, The Work Foundation, Lancaster University UK to name a few.

More importantly its about you. Its about you and meeting your aspirational Goals be it personal or corporate by helping you surf adversity and maximize favorable circumstances. Whether you are an individual or a corporate, an employee or a university student. Emineo Pursuits is focused on providing research-based proprietary motivational self-development workshops and courses and leadership training services.

The workshops are based on the findings in the book “The 6 Dimensions: Overcome Presenteeism, Excel in Work and Life” by Gurunath Hari.
The mission foci of Emineo Pursuits is Holistic Wellness as a pursuit for workforce development, community, economic development, education, and health with potentially huge financial impact.