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For more than 25 years we specialise in the management of asbestos containing materials including project management, identification of asbestos fibres, asbestos surveying, air monitoring and fibre counting.
Our chemical analysis laboratory specialises in water and soil analysis, and emissions testing.
Recent efforts have expanded our environmental monitoring services, including noise and vibration surveys and air quality surveys during demolition projects. We have also opened our microbiological analysis department.
Envirochem is accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) for asbestos sampling, fibre identification, surveying, air monitoring and fibre counting.
We are MCERTS accredited by the Environment Agency for analysis of soils.
Envirochem provide a wide range of asbestos analytical services including work carried out within accordance to Health and Safety Executive guidance notes HSG 264 and HSG 248.
We hold a licence from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to directly supervise licensable work with asbestos, and provide services including project management, identification of asbestos fibres, asbestos surveying, air monitoring and fibre counting.
Our chemical analysis department has specific expertise in sampling and testing of waters, dust, air and soils.
We have an extensive capability for common environmental testing procedures and knowledge of the Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH).
Landfill waste acceptance criteria testing is carried out routinely along with emissions testing and occupational hygiene monitoring for the recognition, evaluation and control of health and safety risks associated with the working environment.