
eola is a complete booking and management platform for experience providers. We enable businesses to automate their processes - from taking bookings to resource management - while significantly increasing their revenue. Our cutting edge technology make it easy to manage all day-to-day admin so our partners can save valuable time to focus on delivering outstanding experiences.

Launched in 2020, the eola marketplace aims to get more people outdoors and experiencing new adventures. The experience marketplace is powered by the eola booking system, not only making it easier for customers to find new experiences but also ensuring real-time availability and faster than ever booking flows.

Why eola stands as unique
Every feature we’ve built - from the smallest to the largest - has been carefully constructed on the same belief. That our platform should be better than a selection of tools. They should be unified as a beautifully simple system that is a delight to use.

Whether you’re on a phone in a field, a tablet on a beach, or a laptop at home, eola is designed to work perfectly on any device, any time, anywhere.

To make that all happen the co-founders started to build the team that is now the most important part of eola.