
Crosslink Technology Inc. operates two separate and distinct divisions serving customers with a variety of Epoxy and Polyurethane applications and custom cast electrical components.  

The Formulated Epoxy and Urethane Products Division formulates and manufactures Epoxy and Polyurethane compounds to meet specific processing and product performance requirements. The mandate of this division is to provide "profitable solutions" to customers in their application and processing initiatives. Competitively priced materials are developed based on customer need whether it is a new product or a requirement to improve an existing process.

The Cast Epoxy and Polyurethane Components Division manufactures custom cast electrical electrical transformer bushings, stand off insulators and unique mechanical devices based on customer design. The majority of the electrical supplies are in the low voltage range with some being suitable for medium voltages. The mandate of this division is to provide the "highest quality, competitively priced" components to customers.

Our R&D chemists and engineers are engaged in developing Epoxy and Polyurethane products to meet unique customer needs on a daily basis.