
Founded in early 2007 by luminaries from Silicon Valley, Evolphin's mission is to build software for digital asset management that dramatically boosts the productivity of designers, developers and their managers alike.

Evolphin makes Zoom, the fastest digital asset versioning and workflow system on the planet. Evolphin enables businesses to visually access, manage, edit, share, reuse, version, distribute and archive their most valuable digital assets in real-time. With Zoom, users can engage their digital assets with blazing speed, resulting in more informed, proactive workflow. And unlike existing solutions, Evolphin Zoom delivers immediate value with payback measured in days rather than weeks, months, years, or not at all.

Evolphin recognizes that the hardware landscape in the past decade has seen phenomenal advances. Unfortunately, software tools have not kept up. Evolphin's international research team has worked incessantly for the past three years to address these gaps, resulting in several breakthroughs:

   * Speed: store digital assets up to 50 times faster than the competition
   * Storage: reduce storage required by up to 2000 times
   * Network: reduce network bandwidth needed for large assets by up to 2000 times
   * Hardware: software architecture that maps to today's multi-core systems on the client and server sides
   * Workflow: use latest insights in User Interface design to revolutionize Workflow in a versioning context

These technology breakthroughs enable Evolphin to offer unprecedented value to wide range of organizations, big or small. Workflow in computer graphics/animation, game development, mobile applications, software development industry can be streamlined with unheard of speed and agility.