
It's WAR! Are you tired of being BEATEN?

Say GOODBYE to Malware, Adware and Spyware. Say Hello to a smoothly a working Windows OS and 'Start Loving Your PC Again' (TM).

Unlike ANY OTHER Anti-Malware or Anti-Virus suite, Expertek goes Beyond the Hype and WARRANTIES our Malware Prevention!

Let's look at the facts, how many times have you paid high dollar for some anti-virus software, had issues, and then got to talk to India Support, with no real resolution from them? Our Friends overseas CAN be good, but there's no substitute for American English trained in general computer repair and specifically on virus/malware removal, when it comes to solving frustrating computer issues, like (all too frequent) malware infections. We speak your language and with FREE remote support included, those issues get resolved quicker than ever with a professional eye actually looking at the problem, while talking on the phone to assist you!

If you keep doing the same thing, You'll keep having the same issues. Time to try something new....

Cloud Care Plus (CCP) takes a thorough look at all the ways that malware and viruses get on your PC, then plugs the holes, and begins watching all the plugs. Cloud Care actively monitors your critical functions, while still leaving room to run your programs, no overkill here. Just enough. Out of Memory errors? Low on Disk Space? We'll know before you will in most cases, and let you know before it becomes a problem. (This is Managed Services! Great for Business, now available for HOME!!!)

In case something sneaks past the protections we've installed (personally, on your PC), NO WORRIES! If the Cloud Care Platform doesn't handle the malware automatically, Just give us a Call! We'll assess the situation, and provided your internet connection is still up, we will remote in for FREE and give you a hand removing junk from your PC. Still issues?? You can ship it to us for a FREE CLEANING or OSRI (as a last resort to getting your system working)! (Some restrictions apply, see site for details.)