
Marketing Research
Do you need opinions and insights on products, trends, media, marketing, brands, behaviour, business, in a fast, efficient and convenient way? Save money & time using ex-sample.com and get the best data quality.
Ex-sample.com is where market researchers and online sample providers meet. We can help you find the right research participants for your online research projects, whether you need them by specialty group or by country.

Online surveys and sampling
One of the fastest growing methods of market research is to collect participant responses on facts, opinions and attitudes through online questionnaires. To conduct this kind of research, you need online sampling. We know that you're looking for good quality, price and project management. The providers are screened and selected on these 3 features.

Independent and global access
Ex-sample.com is an independent global platform with access to panel providers all over the world, so you can rely on it as your one stop shop for sampling. Membership is FREE and secure.

You decide what’s best for you
Get the best online sampling deal for your online market research project in 3 steps

1.Create your online request
2.Qualified Panel Providers see your project and make an offer
3.After the closing has been completed, you can decide for the best price and provider