
eYABBER is the most comprehensive and targeted manufacturing, equipment, machine, tooling and product related global auction website on the web today. With our global reach, we give you the ability to list, sell and purchase products that are directly related to your industry. It is a fresh approach to e-commerce within the manufacturing segment. We market the items on our site for you "FREE" of charge and your product gets recognized in all countries with open internet architecture and can be easily found in an organized specialized website.

We got started when manufacturing companies came to us to sell off their excess tooling machinery and inventory. This is why eYABBER is so awesome. Every manufacturing, production or machine related company around the globe has incredible amounts of excess tooling, machines and manufacturing related products just sitting around that could be converted into cash. Why not put it up for sale on eYABBER rather than store them on your shelves taking up space. If you can sell these items and turn them into cash, why not? If you can purchase items you may need at significant savings, why not?

When listing or buying on eYABBER, you are engaging directly with a safe and secure site that is specific to the manufacturing and industrial business segment. Finally, a solution has arrived for you that is affordable to buy & sell online, and one that is not combined with unrelated consumer products. Why search through clothing, shoes, and household items children's toys etc when you’re looking for specific machines, tools and manufacturing products? This is a site you can access daily and can list and buy from very specific categories. This site will save you time scrolling through thousands of generally listed products.

The choice is simple. eYABBER is so affordable you can almost list twice the amount of listings with us vs. other sites which is a huge significant saving over time. With eYABBER you keep more percentage points in your pocket when you sell. All of adds up to convenience and savings. The advantages of eYABBER combined with its affordable footprint, makes it an obvious choice.