
Home School Connect was founded by Dr Sangeeta Silva, an Educational and Child Psychologist who has a passion for child development in the early years.

Dr. Silva is a very experienced Educational & Child Psychologist with over a decade of experience working within schools, children and their families all over London and its surrounding counties. Prior to this, she was a primary school teacher.

Dr. Silva completed a doctorate in Educational Psychology at UCL, in 2010. Her thesis topic explored parental perceptions and home practices for preparing children for school.

One of the key findings was that most parents, regardless of occupation or educational background, wanted more of the following things to enable them to help their children learn at home:

* Developmental age norms in key skills areas. Basically, what should a child know and be able to do and by what age?
* Easily accessible EYFS curriculum information
* Home activity ideas that were easy to implement, fun and aligned to the EYFS curriculum
* Practical engaging resources to use at home

In fact, Dr Silva experienced the same needs as above when she herself became a mother. Despite her professional background, she found it harder than expected to support her two boys (currently aged 7 and 4) and locate the most fun, curriculum relevant resources to use at home – particularly to support reading and maths. This was one of the main inspirations behind forming Home School Connect.