About |
We specialise in providing therapy services for children who are traumatised or have attachment difficulties, as well as providing support to adoptive parents, special guardians or foster carers.
We believe:
Every child, parent and family has a right to the highest standard of professional practice based on the most up-to-date theory and research.
In working collaboratively and openly with parents and families.
It is important to take a holistic approach to child and family development and to encompass all aspects of individual and family functioning.
That complex systems require complex support packages and systemic therapeutic solutions.
That in order to provide a service of excellence we need to invest heavily as an agency in staff support and training.
That Family Futures should continue to invest in developing its service and ensuring that the public money is spent in a way that ensures best value.
That an integrated team approach with therapy staff and administrative staff collaborating is the key to providing a good service.
That we must endeavor to ensure the future sustainability of the organisation as we believe we have a moral commitment to the families we work with not only now, but into the future.