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The Generation of Sacrifice
By: Markeysha Bolton
Our generation in today’s society has changed dramatically from the older generation, especially from the early 1980s thru the late 90s. The way the parent family values are implemented is totally different from when I was a child born in the late 70s. A lot of mothers and fathers that started to build a family were business minded oriented individuals. Most parents wanted to make sure that they were able to provide for their families and ensure that they will never experience the struggles of life, even if it means anything necessary to ensure the families financial stability.
When I think of a parent that made sure that their family has everything is an awesome father by the name of Mark L. Williams age 54. He went through all aspects of life to ensure that his family did not want for nothing. Mark began starting a family at the age of 17 with a wonderful loving woman by the name of Danighta M. Walker who was 18 at the time when they had their first child together. As a well known drummer he decided to form a band here in Las Vegas at the time and played with the band all over the Strip of Las Vegas at all the known hotels like the Aladdin, Mirage, Tropicana, Las Vegas Hilton and much more.
As the years went by Mark became a high demand to play throughout Las Vegas all the way to Shanghi, Japan in the early 90s. He built a love and passion for music so he decided to own a Production Company by the name of Miestro Productions. Miesto Productions became greatly known all over Las Vegas and throughout United States. Mark started traveling all over United States and different countries for many years to continue the growth of his company. He sacrificed a lot including the time with his family. Sometimes his family did not see him for years because of the dedication, focus and the passion for music that grew within him to ensure that his business would continue to grow, support himself and his family.
No matter what trials and tribulations that he experienced he always made sure that he continues to grow his business and never let anything get in the way of his dream even when his dreams ended his life at the age of 54 in January 30, 2013 in his studio. His family will never forget the love, dedication and the legacy that he has left behind. We should never take for granted the time that we have and how we should live it. Always remember what inspires us to accomplish our dreams and to live our dreams. Ask yourself how far would you go to live your dream?