
Film and Furniture is the lovingly curated online resource which identifies and furnishes you with fascinating facts about the furniture and décor you spot in your favourite films – with details on exactly where to buy these pieces for your own home.

Our fascinating features, guest articles and interviews with the film industry’s most respected production designers and set decorators are infinitely inspiring for any interior design or home decor project. The pieces we discuss are all served up with a large helping of design knowledge and provenance including details about the design, why it was chosen for the film set and how these objects often tell us more about the characters than the script. We then show you exactly where you can buy these pieces for yourself, to recreate a sliver of the silver screen in your own home.

Serving a drink to your friends in a tumbler used by Don Draper in Mad Men or in Deckard’s glass from Blade Runner will get the conversation started. Offering them a seat from Christian Grey’s stunning lux pad in Fifty Shades or sitting at the table from Bruce Wayne’s lakeside house in Batman v Superman will keep the conversation flowing because these pieces have a story to tell.