
FindaProperty.com is a leading property website with a comprehensive search facility for house-hunters looking for property to buy or rent.

The site also holds independent editorial on the housing market, as well as guides to different aspects of the buying, selling and renting processes. These contain local information about council tax rates, school tables, crime rates, comments from local residents and photo albums, giving a general feel for an area.

Launched in 1997, FindaProperty.com now publishes the details of over 750,000 properties from over 11,000 agents, attracting 4 million unique visitors and generating 74 million page impressions a month.

FindaProperty.com has tools to make home hunting easier including the ability to add notes to properties of interest, check out distances from properties to key places, and search recent property sold prices.

FindaProperty.com is recognised as a leading source of consistent and reliable UK housing market data.