
FASTER do things differently!

We are more than a Personal Training course, we are a group of trainers who share a community, we change our Fitness courses the minute we get feedback. We have an area for you to interact with our global students, where we answer questions quickly and we share any opportunities for trainers that come our way.

Fitness Training courses and their dates. Now Start Personal Training Courses In Uk Novembers Dates.


3rd/4th November - AFT Performance - Nottingham

3rd November - Level 2/3 - Nationwide    

10/11th November - AFT Performance - London

16/17/18th November - Specialist in Functional Performance - London ( Baker Street)
25/26/27th Jan

17/18th November - AFT Performance - Bournemouth

23/24/25th November - Specialist in Functional Therapy - Virgin Active Cardiff
14/15/16th Dec

24/25th November - AFT Therapy - Birmingham

More Information log on http://www.fasterglobal.com/
Or Contact No 08455191615