
Flagfree.org is the site you need to know about if you post classifieds online, a site devoted to classified ads of all types, and caters to the USER, making the experience of posting ads free, easy and accessible. Craigslist has long been the toast of the internet for posting classified ads, but recently has been plagued with growing concerns of user experiences ranging from lack of features available to ads disappearing due to unfair practices. Flagfree.org is an open and accessible marketplace that seeks to put the user first.Flagfree.org was created when its founders discovered that their ads on Craigslist were being flagged and removed for no reason. They soon discovered that this was becoming an epidemic in the community, and that renegade flaggers have been let loose, flagging and removing any add they deem unfit. Their behavior has ran rampant, unchecked by Craigslist staffers. Some of the flaggers may be honest people seeking to rid the site of offensive content, but even so, the user is never given the chance to defend their post, and the content never goes through a screening process with an actual Craigslist staffer. Why should someone be allowed to remove your post without that person getting any say in the matter? And this has been occurring with posts that are paid for. So someone posting and paying for their ad is seeing their money go straight down the tube.  Their paid ad gets deleted and they have no way to get it back up.There have also been anecdotes of users finding their ads deleted by competitors posting similar ads that want to eliminate competition. This has left many honest, hard-working individuals unable to benefit from the classified ad service that was once the place to advertise for free.

Flagfree.org seeks to remedy this, leaving a marketplace that serves the user. Offensive content is monitored and ads that seem unfit can be placed under review, but they are reviewed by a competent member of the staff, not left to easily-offended users, renegade flaggers seeking to cause trouble, or competitors looking to one-up their own ads. Flagfree.org wants the user to be in control of their own ad and their own business, and offers features that make posting on Flagfree.org more attractive than Craigslist. All categories of ads are free to post, always.  No singling out certain “high-risk” groups that are no more high-risk than anyone else. Trust me, you can tell when an ad is for prostitution versus legitimate massage therapy, there is no reason to charge the massage therapist. Prostitutes can pay the $10 anyway, so it’s not fair, and Flagfree.org understands that. Users can also ad YouTube videos to their ads, HTML to listings as well as PayPal plug-ins, features that make this site work better.

The staff at Flagfree.org is the only entity that can ever deny any ad, and they understand all the tricks. They can spot the bad ads from the good. Teams in Miami and New York monitor the site, and understand the difference between an ad that is a scam or something  illegal and an ad that is mildly offensive only to certain fringe populations. This  means your legitimate ad will NOT be removed from the site due to other user’s overly-offended discretions. Flagfree.org is a refuge for all classified ad users that have found themselves in the position of having an ad unjustly removed, scratching their heads wondering why on earth their ad was deleted in the first place. Small business owners can rejoice knowing that a site still exists where they can link directly to the customer with free ads, and users can stop worrying about posting their ads day after day just to keep that ad live on the website.

Flagfree.org is the new marketplace for users to buy, sell, trade and make connections free of the judgement of others and the interference of renegades. Check it out today. Post your free ad and see the difference it makes when the developers care about the user and the usability of their site. Don’t waste time posting ads that get deleted, and don’t settle for a site that doesn’t respond or cater to its users needs and demands. Go to a better place, choose a better alternative:  Flagfree.org.