About |
Flow Energy is a UK home energy supplier. Flow launched on the 2nd April 2014 with the cheapest Fixed Rate home energy tariff on the market: Thames tariff, prices fixed until September 2014.
Flow is a UK energy business with a UK call centre. The customer care team are based in Ipswich, Suffolk. They provide a market-leading customer experience. They're educated, experienced and caring and they're empowered to make decisions - so you won't be passed around if you need a decision.
As well as supplying home energy at the best rates on the market, Flow Energy is a designer and a manufacturer too. Flow is developing a microCHP gas boiler that generates electricity as it uses gas to heat a home. It reduces customers’ bills and their carbon emissions. So Flow is supplying great value energy now, and also planning for the future of energy. It’s another thing that sets Flow apart.
Flow Energy is part of Energetix - one of the fastest growing Energy Services organisations in Great Britain. Energetix has been around since 1997 and specialises in developing and commercialising products to meet the growing global demand for energy.