
Flowing Floors Ltd are experts in Self compacting concrete & Floor Screed Systems. In addition to our complete floor solutions offering we can also take care of your underfloor heating package. With over 27 years experience within our field, you can be confident you will receive a quality service for your floor package. For your floor system we can offer the full package – Floor Slab, DPM / Gas Membrane, Floor Insulation (acoustic and thermal), Underfloor Heating, Floor Screed..

We install all screed types, with a system to suit all properties and budgets. These can include Traditional Dry Screeds, Free Flowing Screeds and Self Compacting Concrete. We offer our screed systems nationwide from our operations in Sheffield. TheUnderfloor Heating Systems are third party branded high quality kits, which have a 5 year warranty on the Manifold, Mix Kit and Pumps, Minimum 10 year pipe warranty and minimum 2 year warranty on controls. The systems are suited to all heat sources including Boilers and Heat Pumps. Afull CAD design is completed prior to installation of UFH. We offer a number of solutions for both
new build and renovation projects. We offer our UFH systems nationwide from our operations inSheffield. The design works are covered by Professional Indemnity Insurance.

Our self compacting concrete solution covers anything from a garage floor right up to full building floor. We also specialise in composite metal decking concrete.
Offering our complete services in house, not only offers a cost effective install, it also eliminates any potential issues with the interface between underfloor heating and floor screed. Our teams complete the UFH and follow on with the screed, meaning you don’t have a number of days to wait between the UFH being installed and the Screed being laid. This not only reduces the risk of UFH damage, but minimises downtime on site.