
Force 8 Security is the world leader in non-lethal boat stopping systems. Our systems allow officers to stop a run away or non-compliant vessel without injuring the passengers or damaging the target vessel.

The system is available in three sizes. The smallest is the shoulder launched Barracuda with a range of 40 yards.

The mid-sized is the Buccaneer which is ideally mounted on a patrol boat, can be operated from the helm and has a 100 yard range.

The largest is the Sea Stinger which is a fixed mount ideal for sea walls, jetties or large patrol craft and has a maximum range of 300 yards.

Force 8 Security also has a line of body armor with a built in personal flotation device. These come in two levels of buoyancy. The lighter of the two will float a regular police officer wearing standard issue gear. The heavier one will float a soldier decked out in full combat gear. They are all auto inflating and self righting.

Force 8 Security has recently been asked by several state and federal law enforcement agencies to develop a system for the non-lethal stopping of Jet Skis and all other jet driven watercraft. A working prototype has already been developed and needs to be refined to deal with the larger and more powerful jet drives available today.