About |
Hi my name is Francois B. Lemay and I am the creator and contributing author of
The reason why I created this profile is because I used to be sick and tired
of The Boss controlling all of my movements from the time I start in the morning, went
to take my lunch break and of top of all went I was allowed to go to the bathroom......
Please give me a break here...... All these hours in traffic Morning and Night in my old
rusted truck almost half of my work week.... Always on the watch for new opportunity,
because we never new went we would be lead-off.
So this is why I started my on-line Marketing Business and why I created this profile.
Because I want to meet Networker's and give back to other Entrepreneurs who are
in the same situation just like I was .... hopefully my story can help inspire you to discover
a better alternative just like I did when I started working from home, being my own BOSS
and making money on-line. But before I get in to all of that great concept, let me just tell
you a little bite more about myself.....
Born and raised in the beautifull Province of Quebec in the suburbs, and average Joe with
not even a High School Diploma. Did all kind of Construction work,Roofing,Brick work,Deck's
Bathroom and Kitchen Renovation.
Age 26, I had a new mouth to feed a little baby boy. So went back to Adulte School to get
at lest an equivalente to be able to get my Welding Card's (apprentice). A J.O.B I did for
about 5 years, before and Identity Error put me in the hospital with metal plates on the
left side of my face and some hyper-sensibility so that means not able to put my favorite
baseball cap, and the worse part not able to put my welding mask......
WHAT NOW !!!!!! BACK TO SCHOOL AT 35 YEAR'S OLD !!!!!!!!! ME NO WAY!!!!!!!
My friend's neigbor had a small Carpentry shop and he was looking for an apprentise saw
my chance to learn the trade of cabinet making and remodeling wish he showed me like
a proud father he saw my abilities and suggested I start my own Cabinet making business.
What I did place a few add's found a few contract's but now with the RECESSION everybody
are watching there BUDGET so it's going a little slower .....WHAT NEXT !!!!!!
I was always on the look out on the internet for some opportunities, affiliate program,on line
marketing, home base business. Tried a couple of things but with no big success. All of that
changed when I discovered MLM LEAD SYSTEM PRO I saw a video of a guy with similar background,
same frustrations.Telling me WHAT IF ? What if this system could educate you to become
financially secure, have more time to spend with family and friends doing thing's you enjoy doing,
help other new Entrepreneurs have the mindset of the WEALTHY and SECRETS of the top earner's
in the business.
What If this is truth, you dont want to miss this opportunity my friends .... to have more time and
money to do things that you ENJOY with the one's you love.
Hoping to see you on the road to SUCCESS....
Francois B. Lemay