
The Purpose of Fresh Air for Christ and Fresh Air Media

Fresh Air for Christ is about spotlighting deception in the lives of Christians and the renewal and refocusing of lives. You can minimize and caste aside the effects of the dark kingdom on your life as you re-establish what God intends for your life. This renewal is about the healing of old wounds, lifting up lives in the presence of the Lord, breaking the strongholds of the past, and taking new steps toward exercising the new personality that God gave with your salvation. Renewal of your life doesn't come without challenge and is not automatic. You must resist the devil every day and put down those old conditioned behaviors that you have become so comfortable with over the years. In fact, the devil assumes that you are content with being deceived about strongholds in your life and being in bondage to old ways and lack of scriptural knowledge. Remember that you defeat the devil and glorify God one day at a time, promising in your heart to continue to do the same the next day. This fresh air of renewal is about healing people, setting them free from sin, iniquities and death in the power of Jesus Christ, keeping and continuing that freedom in Christ. God has no limits if you are willing to release the limits you have placed on Him. Remember that God makes it all possible!

The Miracle of the New Man in Christ: Breaking Strongholds in God's Perfect Will

Breaking Strongholds Book

Men and women continue to place personal ideas, philosophies, hurts, lifestyle choices and personal goals above the Word of God and wonder why they are miserable and ailing. Billions have deluded themselves into believing all kinds of things. Recently, a prominent TV evangelist has indicated that by sending him money, you will be delivered from your pain, sickness, addictions and fear. (Ephesians 4:14-16) Around the world, people have set themselves or others up as idols above God as we have reaped the consequences of our actions, especially within “the church”.

Now we live in a time where each and every man and woman is virtually entombed in strongholds: addictions, mindsets, fears and philosophies of their own making: strongly influenced by what worldly authority claims to know. Most of us can’t see the forest for the trees. We find ourselves bound, held captive by our own thinking: broken, dysfunctional and diseased. The spiritual freedom proclaimed by Christ hasn’t been received by most of the world and most Christians are losing their personal battle in spiritual warfare, clueless to the truth. God’s people and the world suffer from a lack of knowledge. How did it all come to this? Is there a way out and are you doomed to live in bondage to the dark kingdom? The truth is simple. Spiritual warfare is all about deception.

In the end, Jesus told us that a remnant of His people would enter through the narrow gate where He is the gatekeeper. He foretold the destruction of the masses as they walk on the wide road to destruction, fooled into believing lies and deceptions. This book shines Biblical light on how men and women continue to imprison themselves and how breaking free from strongholds of the past is really possible in God’s Perfect Will as you renew your personality through washing with the Word through Jesus Christ. Will you continue to be deceived? Are you willing to begin to walk in accurate knowledge to change your life for the better forever?


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