
Banner Year for Garment Printer Ink

Garment Printer Ink.com has been providing Ink to the garment printing industry for over two years and has seen the market go from customers ordering small quantities to over a hundred liters at a time.

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What this means is that the garment printing industry is growing at a very fast pace. Garment Printing was introduced about 7 years ago and was met with skepticism and harsh reviews. Many people saw it as a threat to screen printing, while others laughed at the very thought. Now that this industry is starting to mature and the machines are getting better, we're seeing a more wide spread acceptance and acknowledgment that these printers are here to stay.

This becomes more evident when you are selling the very commodity these printers need to stay in business. "Selling ink for these garment printers has really allowed us to have a metric in which to gauge the growth and concentration of this industry". What our growth this year tells us is that this market has increased 10 fold.

That's is a huge change in growth for them and for us. We expect 2011 to be the year that garment printing really hit's it's stride and allows average people the ability to start their own business.

garment printer


bulk ink
garment printer ink