
GetMeTires.com is the only place where you can compare prices from multiple dealers in real time!
It’s simple!
We guaranteed installation prices from local tire dealers in your area. Simply pay a small deposit on the tires you selected to secure your order. Once the transaction is complete, you can schedule an appointment with the dealer. Pay the remaining amount after the installation is complete.

GetMeTires.com is a revolutionary website committed to providing the highest quality tires at the lowest possible price. Our network of reputable dealers includes shops located in and around your neighborhood. No more wasting time calling around trying to get the best price or paying shipping fees when ordering online.

Our difference

Local tire dealers compete for your business!

We collect inventory from reputable, local tire
dealers and bring them to you on our website.

1. Only pay a small deposit online
2. No shipping fees
3. No hidden charges
4. Guaranteed installation prices