
Get Mezzanine Financing is an information hub for all your mezzanine financing needs. Whether you are just trying to learn about mezzanine financing, or you actually want to arrange this subordinated form of financing for your company, we want to make your life easier.

There is now an extremely high demand for non-bank and non-equity type of financing, especially from the middle-market companies. In fact, the demand has never been elevated to current levels. Since the 2008 financial crisis, the lending activity of banks traditionally active in middle-market segment has significantly dropped. Furthermore, as ever, often closely-held or family-run middle-market companies don’t want to tap into external equity investor funds to avoid the risk of losing control of their businesses. Consequently, the elevated interest in mezzanine financing is well-justified.

Subordinated financing is thus in great demand, and we are here to help you arrange this form of capital.

We realize that many of you who are interested in getting mezzanine financing do not know what is required, or what the exact steps you must take in order to obtain it.

Additionally, many of you who, for example are experienced CFOs, already are familiar with different forms of junior capital financing may want to receive additional information that is also more actionable, useful in practice or giving broader overview of different financing options that are feasibly available.

This is why we created Get Mezzanine Financing – to guide you in this industry.

We constantly expand our offering by adding new relevant articles and other materials supporting you in preparations for arranging mezzanine financing. Furthermore, our manually reviewed list of mezzanine lenders allows you to quickly identify mezzanine funds that could be interested in providing capital to your company.

Our goal is to transparently provide reliable and impartial information that will accelerate the process of getting mezzanine financing for your company.