
GiftPickle.com, a totally unique free gift registry designed to be shared between family and friends.   Visitors use Giftpickle.com to invite family members and friends to share gift lists with each other in a safe and easy-to-use format.   GiftPickle.com allows members to create their own gift lists and provide details of where to buy, sizes, prices, and even convenient links to their item at an online store.   Approved family and friends can view each other’s gift lists and select items (click “I’ll get this!”) from each member’s lists.    Each member can see who’s buying which gifts for each person, however, the gift list owner cannot see who’s purchased any of their listed gifts!

GiftPickle.com makes gift giving fun, and helps avoid the frustration and hassle which can be associated with the gift giving process. The gift list owner lets their family or friends know which gifts to buy, the size and color, where to get it, and eliminate duplicate gift purchases.  End result, the perfect gift!!  Members can immediately generate a shopping list of all of the items selected from the various gift lists.   Multi-family capabilities are included enabling individuals to be members of multiple families or friend groups.

Giftpickle.com was designed for everyone in the family, from the tech-savvy to the no-email grandparents.  The tool can be used for all gift giving events including Christmas, Secret Santa, Birthdays, Bridal Showers, Anniversaries, Baby Showers, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs or any other special event.