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A gigat is the virtual dollar for the community of Gigats.com that can be used to hire others to do small jobs.
Everyone specializes in something. That specialty may be the person’s career or it may be their hobby.It can be anything from house painting to resume writing. And it has value. Maybe not in the real world, but it does on Gigats.com. By joining the community that specialty can be put up “for sale” for another member of the community to “purchase”.
Let’s say Earl is an ace at setting up HDTVs. Betheny is moving and needs her TV set up in her new house. But the expense of moving has left her a little short of cash, and she’s exhausted all of her favors with friends already. She can search the Gigats.com community for someone who’s experienced at it, and finds Earl who lives in her city. She and he negotiate a price — prices are always negotiable — and agree that Earl will earn 75 gigats to mount and connect her TV to the wall.
Earl can then spend those 75 gigats for any job or chore he needs done. It can be something he hates doing, like cleaning his gutters, or something he can’t do like designing a logo for his small business. There are thousands of people in the gigats community who have thousands of specialties to choose from. The deals can be made locally for labor, or nationally for services.
You work, you get paid, you spend that on something you need done. And it’s all paid for with gigats.