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Glenn Website Design
Glenn offers full-service web solutions for many types of business profiles including hotels, restaurants, e commerce shopping websites, interactive websites. Let us grow your online business leads, inquiry calls, and and ultimately your revenue.
Glenn is a full-service Internet marketing and SEO company offering innovative web marketing solutions to mid to large size companies across the globe. As a leader in SEO, web design, eCommerce, website conversion, and Internet marketing services, at Glenn we put it all on the online to drive traffic, converting visitors, and measuring the results that deliver real customers for our clients.
Website Design Choice
Owning your own website has become simply unavoidable for any company that offers products or services directly B2C or B2B. But for many, the creation of a website is still synonymous with heavy investment or advanced technical knowledge.
Graphic design, definition of functionalities, structure and ergonomics, development of the site, writing and integration of content, choice of host etc. Our team of professionals can do all of this for you.
DIY – If you just need a web site to be used like a business card the new website design tools have removed all these problems to allow any amateur to easily and cheaply create a personalized site and the image of your company.
But keep in mind most of these DIY websites never see the light of day on any search engine.
Glenn Website Design and Development Company , Glenn Madden started out designing websites not long after there was an Internet. Biggest regret not registering some valuable domains back then and letting some go that I did register. The first business site that starting being successful was tradur.com I registered in March 2001 and it has brought in a decent living for the past 18 years.
With Glenn Design Over time I have had to adapt to an ever changing Google and other search engines. There are a lot of companies doing web design. But not so many living by those same designs. They will sell you a pretty site and promise first place listings but fall short on the latter.
Hosting Through Ipower
Today the company hosts more than 1,000,000 websites for people in over 100 countries. iPower is a hosting provider with many things going for it. … iPower offers cheap web hosting plus the standard web hosting features including a 30-day money-back guarantee. Their web hosting plan is on;y 3.95 per month.
Get Started With
FREE Domain Name
Unlimited Space and Bandwidth
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Instant Blogs, Forums, Galleries
Simple Template Site Building
Search Engine Optimization is the first thing you need to start thinking about when developing a website for business. SEO begins with words; What will people type in to search for what you are offering. Optimizing your website for the one word related to your business is often hopeless. There are powerful giants in the business that all but own that word. So to be found you need to be creative. and resourceful. Our team of professionals are ready to help you build your business through a well designed website. Our team starts with SEO up front not as an after thought.
Web Design
E commerce
Logo Design
Small Business Layout
Trends Research
Facebook Marketing
Twitter Marketing
Hosting Services For Website
Logo Design Tips
Free SEO Tools
SEO Strategy
How to Use Social Media
Website Design How To
A Marketing Plan Example
Finding Customers
Website Optimization
WordPress Websites
Free Header Banners
Online Security
Google Office – G Suite