
We at Mindware exports female apparel and accessories from India and selling brands of products world wide. We do exports all variants of females accessories apart from our own brand.Mindware is a one-stop shop for information advise technical guidance workforce and market intelligence in the garment industry. Mindware is giving consultancy for international buyes i.e importers across globe to buy material from India . It also plays a large role in identifying new markets and leading trade delegations to various countries.

We showcase the best of India’s ladies garment export capabilities through our portal and other platforms. We make a truly win-win situation for both – Indian exporters grow stronger each year in their achievements, skills and proficiency, while international buyers get superior solutions for their garment imports.
Commencing as a small garment Export/ Import business, Mindware has grown into a booming enterprise run by Gulshan Marwah. We strive to export the highest quality of garments, directly suited to our customers needs. We ensure on time deliveries, perfectly modeled to individual customer specifications at a reasonable price. We constantly adapt to changes in the global market and ensure we remain one step ahead of the competition to meet the changing expectations of our customers in terms of quality, cost and delivery.

For more info Contact at gm@gulshanmarwah.com, thegmbrand@gamil.com or Call us at 91-8527522688